Professional Paint
Commercial & Industrial Solutions provides full-scale cleaning and service solutions for the toughest jobs, including industrial paint booths.
Paint booths are designed to keep paint particles contained to the job itself, while minimizing the negative impact of paint fumes on workers and the environment. Of course, paint booths require routine maintenance to remain operational and safe for use. Proper venting and airflow is crucial to paint booth servicing, to ensure that the harmful paint fumes don’t escape.
Professional Paint
Commercial & Industrial Solutions provides full-scale cleaning and service solutions for the toughest jobs, including industrial paint booths.
Paint booths are designed to keep paint particles contained to the job itself, while minimizing the negative impact of paint fumes on workers and the environment. Of course, paint booths require routine maintenance to remain operational and safe for use. Proper venting and airflow is crucial to paint booth servicing, to ensure that the harmful paint fumes don’t escape.
Knowledge and
Commercial & Industrial Solutions has the knowledge and experience to get the job done safely and efficiently. No matter the size of your paint booth, our team of professionals will help you maintain it so your business remains operational, profitable, and fully compliant to health and safety standards.